While proper canine communication is something we work on at every level of the Life Lessons Training Program, if you truly want your dog to continue to be a fluent communicator with a variety of other dogs, continued socialization is recommended to keep your dog up and up on his/her doggy social skills. Controlled socialization is the best way to encourage the communication and interactions we like while fading out things we don't like.
Socialization for Small, Timid or Fearful Dogs & New Puppies
Whether your dog is fearful because of a previous negative experience or just shy and in need of some positive experiences, small & timid dog socialization classes are a great way to build confidence and teach your dog to enjoy the presence of other dogs and people. They're also a great opportunity for you to learn about canine communication, such as calming signals and deterrent behaviour. Quite often small or timid puppies are initially overwhelmed by the combination of a new classroom and more energetic puppies romping around in their first few puppy classes. To help with this, I offer socialization classes outdoors, weather permitting. These classes are pay as you go, but they are not drop-in sessions. Please contact Sam for online sign-up sheet to sign up weekly. Cost is $20 per 30 minute session and only available to those enrolled in one of our programs or after completing a private lesson with one of our trainers.
Socialization for Confident Dogs
So your dog already loves other dogs and is ready to play. Great! This class is an opportunity for your dog to have fun while learning to maintain acceptable energy levels in play (no overwhelming or bullying), bite-inhibition and self-control. Dogs are taught each week to earn play with calm behaviour, and if you've graduated from any of the Life Lessons Classes, you can also start to work on some of your commands (such as leave it, recall, and sits for greetings) under distractions. These classes are pay as you go, but they are not drop-in sessions. Please contact Sam for online sign-up sheet to sign up weekly. Cost is $20 per 30 minute session and only available for graduates of one of our puppy programs.
© Samantha DeJong