
If you want to learn how to train dogs or apply behavioral principles to solve dog problems, Norma Jeanne Laurette provides some of the best courses available in North America. As you might expect from the founder of the International Positive Dog Trainers Association, her methods are not harsh, but they are effective and are based on sound psychological and scientific data. When people come to me to ask how they might learn to be a dog trainer and behaviorist, Norma Jeanne Laurette’s courses are always one of my top recommendations.
Stanley Coren, PhD, FRSC, Professor of Psychology and author of numerous books including the Intelligence of Dogs and How Dogs Think.
Thank you so much for your advice!!! We tried it once this morning and she hasn't touched the kids since. Wow. I'm sure it will come up again but what a perfect and positive way of dealing with her biting. Thanks again, Sonja Pratt
Hi Norma Jeanne, I know it's been a long time, way too long in my opinion, but I wanted to update you on Little. We've been trialing, actually going out amongst other dogs and people, and Little handles it wonderfully! He is happy and relaxed and only gets upset if a dog stands right up against the door to his crate, and then only growls quietly, but won't get up, bark, or display otherwise. HE'S SO GOOD! So far we have been doing CARO. We have our Novice and Advanced title, one leg towards Excellent and two towards Novice Team. We have been to a handful of fun matches for obedience and has done exceptionally well. Our first CKC obedience trial is the 21st. But all this pales in comparison to what he did last Sunday. Surrounded by friends, Little earned his Canine Good Neighbour! A title I NEVER EVER thought he would earn! I am so incredibly proud of Little! Even more so than if he had earned his OTCH! We have both worked very hard in resocializing him and getting him over his fears. He still has some barriers to cross, such as children, but he's done so well. I just wanted to share our triumph with you as you were SUCH a huge influence on those tough days. Days where I wasn't sure if there was help for him. Days where I was faced with the most difficult decision anyone could ever have to make... do I euthanize this dog? So, from the deepest depths of my heart, THANK YOU!!!! Best wishes, Cheryl & Little Wim, CGN, CRACL
Hi there Norma Jeanne, Congratulations on teaching your 800th class this Saturday. Quite a feat indeed. Dogs and dog owners woe you so much. Ultra mega woofs to you. Dr. Ian Dunbar
Congratulations!!! It is difficult to believe that someone as young, beautiful and unscarred has gone through 800 combat skirmishes. A lot of them were probably fun as well. Again all the best. Dr. Stanley Coren
Congrats on class number 800, Norma Jeanne, what an accomplishment!!! Warm Woof, Pat Miller
Wow! 800 classes! You have so much to be proud of! I just wanted to add my voice to the many that will celebrate all the wonderful work you have done for dogs and the people who love them. 800 more? Best, Patricia B. McConnell, Ph.D.
Hi Norma Jeanne, you are so darned good at what you do girl. I hope you received the Doggone Safe letter of congrats on your 800th class! I think you are one of the top trainers/consultants in Ontario and Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheers, Teresa Lewin - Doggone Safe and Doggone Crazy
Hi Norma Jeanne: Congratulations on your 800th class! Way to go! Keep up0 the great work! All the best, Nathan Penny MSc. - Applied Animal Behaviorist
Hi Norma Jeanne: So glad to hear that you're still going strong - I can't believe that you'll be celebrating your 800th class this weekend!! Keep up the great work. Cheryl Yuill - Veterinarian - Blue Cross Animal Hospital
Hi Norma Jeanne, I just wanted to drop you a note to say thank you for all your wonderful help. I know the kids, Dave and I could use some more training, and Laya is very patient with us! It is a lot of fun, I have learned so much and I am very happy - we look forward to seeing you in the fall, and hope you enjoy your summer. Take care, happy trails. Jenny Wilkie - Guelph, Ontario
Hi Norma Jeanne, We wanted to send a HUGE thank you for such a wonderful class today!! We had such a great time and learned tons and are looking forward to a week of positive training with Wiki. Thanks to all the exerted energy this aft we are also now enjoying a very peaceful quiet Sunday afternoon (complete with the typical bulldog snoring! :) Thanks again for a great class and we are really looking forward to next week! Chris & Andrea (& Wiki)
Hi, Norma-Jeanne! We wanted to write and say a big thank-you for the course. We both really appreciated your way of training, I really like how non-violent your stance is toward animals. I've recommended you to our friends. Best wishes in the future, hopefully we will see you for another course!
Anna & Mark, Scooter & Beans - Kitchener, Ontario
I'm making my way through the manuals in your course, after reading about a technique I haven't tied before I of course go "OH COOL!", grab my clicker and a bag full of treats and go on a training spree with the dogs... and cats. Your heeling tips worked wonders with my grey, namely changing direction. After 3 and a half years I FINALLY have him EXCITED about heeling! All the treats, praise and toys in the world couldn't motivate him to do this most boring of tasks, but the technique that requires him to try to keep up with me did it. Cheryl Becker - Oshawa, Ontario
Thanks Norma Jeanne! We really did learn a lot. We are very excited about starting our own business and are well on the way to making that happen. If you are ever in the area we would love to meet you in person and show you our facility. Thank you for the link to IPDTA. It is an organization we were planning on joining and thank you again for such a well put together, thought out course. We are looking forward to using the email groups and your expertise. Kristine and Allan Marshall - Calgary, Alberta
Hi Norma Jeanne, Thank you for putting on a wonderful event. My family and I enjoyed ourselves at the Awards Banquet. It's very heartwarming to be around so many people who live up to our standards of training. Thank you for your constant support, not just to me but to so many wonderful people. We're really, truly blessed to have you standing behind us, as a mentor, spokesperson, and friend. Cheryl Becker - Oshawa, Ontario
Hi everyone, I figured out how to get the pictures into the computer. I'm sending them all to each of you so you have something to remember the Therapy Dog class by. Norma Jeanne, I had to send them to you so you could see how far my Chili has come. I know you always kept the faith! Lynn Kirton, Kitchener, Ontario
Hi Norma Jeanne, Jake finally learned to shake a paw, high five and wave. I was able to shape this within about one minute of trying earlier in the week. I know it is all science but I am so proud of him and me, I can see now that I can easily continue this shaping for other results. We had a blast as usual, please keep in touch and I will do the same! Lynn Kirton - Kitchener, Ontario
Norma Jeanne, Just wanted to say thanks, we have been for two walks in the last three days, 50 mins each on a regular route just bailey and I, (this took us from the driveway, across the street, always two people, baby steps...) and the third day, I walked to my girlfriends, a shorter walk but very different route and he was introduced to two new people, still some work, but this is giant for us, thanks again for your help. Val Spads - Kitchener, Ontario
Our run tonight included a beep with the SC - Chili has decided to start doing a wide circle before she returns (she did this when we first started Frisbee, too). The beep got her back on track, though. Anyway, it is SO good to be able to turn her loose and watch her run and play and "be a dog." Just have to back up a step or two for a few days, I guess. I feel a lot more relaxed about it all, now, recognizing it's a setback, not the end of the world. I can't thank you enough for all your help, advice, and patience.
Thank you for your telephone message. I appreciate your offer to help Calum and me once he is back in good health. Your kindness toward dogs is certainly evident in your positive attitude toward dog owners. Katherine - Kitchener, Ontario
Hi, Norma Jeanne, Update on Red Hot Chili: We had 2 great Frisbee sessions tonight. I do like learning from the best teachers and of course, it's why we keep coming back to Puppy Power, too. :) Anyway, Chili is catching quite a few discs, which must also mean that I'm throwing better, too! Tonight, we were playing with the distraction of a family of people, including a couple of children, fishing in the river. We got in about 5 throws before I started losing Chili's attention, so we did 1 more short toss that she could get, and ended the session. But she didn't even try to take off. On the way back, we practiced some of her tricks - marching, rolling over and back, curtsey, and front and back, all within sight and hearing of the fisherfolk. Then, we walked the short block home with her heeling and me NOT HOLDING HER LEASH. Actually, she was on the long line, but it was trailing behind her and I didn't have to touch it all the way home. But the really great news is that we are going for longs walks down a country road with Chili draggin a line that I often don't even hold on to. If she starts to get too far ahead, I ask her to sit, down, or come, and she responds right away. Most of this happened quite spontaneously. After a choice piece of horse poop sprayed her in the face, she doesn't go too far away! And I always have to help her past the spot on the road where that awful thing happened! I get so excited about our progress, I just have to tell somebody. You're top of the list, because you know how frustrated and discouraged I was getting, and you've been such a huge help in getting us through our difficulties. I'm noticing a real difference in Chili, as if she has finally decided that she wants to be with me. I went through a very bad patch when I thought we just weren't suited for each other. Now, I'm wondering if I really want another dog because I'm enjoying my one-on-one time with Chili so much. I'm looking forward to Freestyle in a couple of weeks. I actually bought some dowelling and we've had a couple of sessions teaching Chili not to eat it, but when I nudge her to try and get her to side pass towards me, she shoves on the dowel or runs out in front. So maybe I'll wait until class to see how to teach her properly. Oh, yes, and finally - Chili can almost sit and be patted by strangers without having hysterics. She can't hold the sit for very long, but she's showing less tendency to jump at people's faces. So hopefully she'll be ready for Sylvia's Therapy Dog course in October! Sorry to babble on so, but you were right. Chili is now firmly entrenched as my "Special Girl." All my dogs have had "special" names (Baroque was always my "Best Boy"), and Chili has really earned hers. Jan & Chili
Hi Everyone, Wasn't that a fun weekend? From the forms received there seems to be a tie for the most informative presentation - Norma Jeanne on Positive Reinforcement or Positive Punishment and Patti Graham's grooming talk. My sincere gratitude to all of you that made the Dogwould weekend such a success! Your energy and enthusiasm made everyone feel very welcomed. Judy Sauve - Camp Dogwould Coordinator, Ottawa, Ontario
Hi Norma Jeanne, Saturday's seminar was great. Not just the information, but the opportunity to come together and network. You put everyone at ease and make it so simple to ask questions. Jennifer Ranger, Toronto, Ontario
Hello Norma Jeanne, I Just wanted to say that I love the look of your website, and am proud of how you have grown your business and spread your dog ethics to all who will listen. Cheryl and I have a small but respectable presence in the Barrie Ontario area, and we are preaching the good word so to speak about canine behaviour. We offer personal consultations for problematic dogs...and owners (LoL). Our business has been all word of mouth which is nice because the referrals have a confidence in our abilities from the outset. Rest assured we are still desirous of seeing this passion of working with dogs fulfilled. I just wanted to say that your material has made a very positive difference in our lives, our two dogs Bear and Moose(the rescue), and many appreciative clients and their dogs. If we have learned anything in the last three years, it has been that all dogs given the right environment, the right people, and the right degree of patience can be molded and redirected into wonderful companions. Thank you for helping us see the gentle way. Keep up the good work. Tom Goul, CB.ccs & Cheryl Goul, CB.ccs - The Puppy Professors - Barrie, Ontario
All of your advice the other day was very helpful. Thank you so much for spending the time. It's obvious that you care a lot about the dogs. Thanks Again for all your help, Angela Smith
Thanks so much (again) for your expert advise. The 'time outs' did the trick and her problem behaviour is solved! Thanks again, Yours truly; John Vice
Frosty is such a good puppy, the boys taught him a new trick last night. They taught him to jump over their back - it's adorable. I am so thankful that we did the Puppy classes with you to get us on the right track with training. He responds so well with his listening, it amazes us sometimes! We are big believers in positive reinforcement, which is one of the reasons we chose Puppy Power. Being a new dog owner, the skills we learned from the very beginning in training Frosty have been truly invaluable. We appreciate your unique approach in encouraging the family to attend the classes. We believe, it is because of this, we have had so much success with our training experience. It was positively the best! Thank-you! Paul, Joanne, Mitchel, Justin & Frosty : )
I'm happy you liked the picture of Wile E. Coyote. We all wanted to do something special for you. We are always saying thanks, thanks, but we really wanted to show you how much you mean to us and how much we appreciate everything you do. You give so much of yourself and in return ask nothing. Your compassion and empathy can only be surpassed by your dedication. There have been times I felt like I just couldn't do what I do anymore. Sometimes, you start to think your fighting a losing battle. When you have a horse that lays it's head in your lap because it is too weak to stand, you hear a dog cry out in pain as he's trying to move, or as you reach down to pat a dog - she throws herself on the floor, it can really take it's toll on you. Most of the time I feel like I walk around with a very heavy heart. You have been there for me in those times and helped me put things back into perspective. You have given me the courage and inspiration to go on. Through your support you have reminded me that I am a fighter, to stand firm in my beliefs and to believe I alone can make a difference. When I started this course, I did not expect for you to touch my life so profoundly. Not only do I see you as my teacher and mentor, but also a wonderful, unexpected friend. I thank you for that with all my heart. June McLean, CTB.ccs - Westville, Nova Scotia, CA
Thank you for all your simple, fixable ideas that you gave me regarding Divot's behaviour. Today, Barry told me that Divot never barked at all. The neighbours will think we killed him. He has treat toys now and loves the Tricky Treats ball. He rolls that thing all over the house, waiting for a piece of kibble to fall out of the hole. He's no longer crawling all over Barry, wanting attention. He also waits for the Kong to be put outside in the morning, all nicely frozen and ready to reveal its contents. I haven't taken him to Day Care yet as it's hard doing my job and Barry's and still have time left in the day to drop Divot off and pick him up by 5 pm. That's certainly a plan for down the road. Thank you so much for your help. You've certainly improved the relationship between us and our pet. Hope you can see the picture of Divot that I've attached. Isn't he a beautiful boy! I've been singing your praises to every dog owner I know. I told Kelly (one of your past students) at "On Golden Paws" that I wish she had a newsletter or a white board in her store where customers could list their favorite products because the Spray Commander and Tricky Treats ball were amazing products to modify behavior. I even told her that I had learned that from you. Thank you, Thank you! PS: Today was the second day in a row that he hasn't barked. Barry said he was an amazing dog today.
I thought I have seen and heard everything when it came to training but did I ever get my eyes open yesterday when I took Kya on a 8K walk around the Floradale dam. I came across a woman with a large boxer who trained the "baw method". I am not sure how to spell it but that is the way it sounded. I was proud of myself for keeping a straight face when watching her in action. I put Kya in a sit stay to talk to her and walked away from her. The woman tried to put her 2yr old in a sit stay but it would not keep it and that is when I heard her yell "BAW" at the top of her lungs. She said it was to mimic the mothers growl and she took classes from a man I believe lives in Elmira. When the baw did not work she then threw a bottle with something in it at him so as not to hit the dog but startle him. It still did not listen and it ran to Kya and was boxing her. I was a proud momma when Kya keep her sit stay and did not stand up so I said to the woman I will reward Kya for her excellent sit stay while your dog is on top of her. I did not ever think I would see the day Kya could keep a sit stay when a dog was at her that way. The woman grabbed her dog and kept yelling baw. I told her that I went to you and Sylvia and we use positive reinforcement. They do not use food at all. Well proof is in the pudding as they say and I could see her method does not work so I hope she could see from Kya that there is a kinder and gentle way to train a dog. I just want to thank you and Sylvia once again. Kendra
You have been the best teacher I've ever had.....no I really mean that!!!!!!! You get five gold stars!!!!!! Melissa Prange - CCS Student, Fort St. John, BC.
The 'tricks' you have given me for Bosco's problem are working out just fine. I can't believe the change in him in just two days. Already, he starts paying more attention to me than what is going on around us when walking outdoors. I am so impressed, I even asked my husband to come with me this afternoon to make sure I wasn't seeing things, he too was impressed with the changes, especially when we came across another dog on the street and Bosco paid more attention to me than to that impressive dog. I Can't thank you enough ! We still have to work on it, I don't expect everything to be perfect in just two days, but we are doing fine. Either I'm doing something right or I have a very clever dog, maybe both. Anyways, thanks a lot, as this was becoming a nightmare that finally turned out to be just a fun thing to do. And you were right, out with the negative feelings on my part ! Now we're out to have fun and learn ! Linda Reasins
"I have to say that the seminar that you did on "games" was one of the best seminar's I've been too. Your idea's are fantastic. I really enjoyed myself. I hope that you will speak again soon." Sharla McNair - K9 Minds, Aurora, Ontario
"I Just wanted to tell you that I love your course. I am definately learning a lot." Susan Woodgate - Orangeville, Ontario
"I just wanted to let you know that all the great feedback I get on my dog information awareness, intervention, rescue work and training...I learned from your program. I am certainly unique in this farming community and people are enjoying the change ("what no choke chains??? they say!!). We build a bond of trust and teach the dogs, not force them...and it works beautifully. Thank you for showing me "the other side"...when I apprenticed on "the wrong side" all I could think was "I can't do this!" So how will I be a trainer!" But now I am a very respected trainer and feel good about the techniques. Thank you! Charlene Barrell, CB.ccs - Hot Springs, British Columbia
"Did I say today, how much I appreciate you? Thank you for all that you have done in my life. All the support, encouragement exhortation that you have put into it. Thank you! I got home safely and all is well. I will keep in touch." Sydney Drakes, CTB.ccs - Hastings, Barbados
"I wanted to tell you how much I'm enjoying working with you - I have told so many people what a great help you have been - you are truly a "mentor" in all sense of the word! You have been so giving with your material, advice, suggestions etc. and I have learned so much! Thank you for everything - you have truly inspired me to realize that I can make a career working with dogs and that's a dream come true!!" Jennifer Tutt - Erin, Ontario, Canada (ABC Student mentoring with Norma Jeanne)
"I was working full time when I took the CCS course and had no problem! That’s a great thing about Norma Jeanne’s course is – you can go at your own pace so you work on it when you have time. I do have my own business and run classes currently. I also still work full time in another job too. Areas that were most beneficial – the behaviour part – what’s normal, what’s not, how to read the body language, how to prevent aggression. There was sooo much great info it’s hard to pin point one thing. I also use her handouts for my clients and refer to them often for consults or problems with my own pup’s. I also use her manual – both of these are great so you don’t have to research and write your own material. Her course was the best thing I’ve done. Not only because I enjoy training, but has helped with my own dogs immensely! Not to mention she has the C-C-S email group with lots of helpful and supportive people. I have nothing but great things to say about the course!" Carrie Cleghorn BSc, CTB.ccs - Guiding Paws - Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
"Norma Jeanne, I was in your workshop at the CAPPDT conference and remember doing the grad exercises with a (human) partner (no dog available) and we had a blast. It was so much fun. I tried doing them in classes awhile ago but couldn't remember the exercises that well, and the ones I made up didn't work that well, so thank you for sharing them with us. I plan on using them at my next grad class. I expect that we will have a ball!!" Janis Mikelberg, Toronto, Ontario
Hi Norma Jeanne,
I just wanted to update you on the use of your games in my dog classes. I have been using them for a while and have been having a blast with them. Not only do my clients enjoy doing them but it gives me insight into what needs more work (proofing stays, leave it) and what is sometimes surprisingly good. I have been doing them the 2nd to last class so I can troubleshoot before they graduate and tell them how to improve. Thanks again for sharing. Janis Mikelberg, Toronto, Ontario
"Nice article. I always love the emotional component of training - too many people miss it. And might I say that your writing is significantly changing over the past several issues. It used to be good. Now it just rocks! Love the new style. :) Yvette Van Veen, CAPPDT Board of Directors, Forum Editor 2005
"Hi Norma Jeanne, You're great! I came from the last class with that satisfied feeling of having seen someone "walk what they talk." You were able to show encouragement and positive attitude even when some of your human and canine students didn't perform to an A+. Thanks for the privilege if sitting in on your classes." Ruth Richmond, Toronto, Ontario
"Thank you for allowing us to observe your classes. I must say that I was shocked by the difference between your classes and the classes my dog and I attend. First, the dogs in what I believe was your puppy class were better at recall than the dogs in our class at advanced novice level. All of the dogs in your class are happy, excited, and highly motivated. I'd love to say that the dogs in our class were, but they are just excited to see the other dogs. They are obedient, but only because if they stray they get a jerk of the collar. I feel I have done my dog an injustice, which breaks my heart. Being my first dog I didn't know a whole lot about obedience. I always knew I wanted to use positive reinforcement and always have, though watching your class was like looking over the fence for the first time. I blindly enrolled with the instructor I currently use after ALL of my co-workers, and my manager, telling me what an amazing instructor she was. I still sat in on a class but I think the mistake I made was not sitting in on any others. The more I trained, the more I began to question her but today I almost walked out. Someone asked about how to enforce recall when her dog wouldn't come. Our instructor brought out a chunk of knotted chain and instructed her to throw it at her dogs hip if she didn't come. My jaw dropped and I sat in shock as she demonstrated on a very willing clients dog, then another, and another. Thank god no more. With my boy, being a greyhound he is very sensitive, the harsher my tone of voice or actions, the more he hesitates. I was having trouble with his recall at one point, and was afraid he would dart out the door at work. I was told to go up and give him a correction, then bring him to where I called him. Instead, when I practiced your recall and when he came his reward would be play. If he strayed I used a food lure put in front of his nose to guide him back to where I was. Problem solved!"
"Thank you, Norma Jeanne, not for only convincing me that this course is perfect for me, but for opening my eyes and letting me look over the fence. Thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU!!!" Cheryl Becker, Oshawa, Ontario.
"I am enjoying the course so much and I think it is one of the best things I have ever done!!! Meghan Ginn, Kitchener, Ontario.
"Norma Jeanne, this is an excellent piece! One of the two or three most constructive and practical items I can remember running in the CAPPDT Forum Newsletter. I'll be using some of the advice myself, and I appreciate that you're sharing it with the membership. Nice work indeed."
"I do think your work is consistently excellent. I want to tell you that I have enjoyed your contributions and appreciate your commitment to the issues you address and the enlightenment of the membership. We've debated on opposite sides and on the same side of an assortment of discussions over the years, and I thank you for your passion for all of it. Thank you for writing for FORUM, speaking at the conference and sounding off on the email list etc. I hope you'll make the next editor's job as easy as you made mine." Andrew Perkins, CAPPDT Board of Directors, Forum Editor.
Hi Norma Jeanne, I'm considering sending you an e-mail for the IPDTA Newsletter about Moose's miraculous salvation. I just happened to be at the vet's office today and they were quite pleased with Moose as they noticed a big improvement in him. The staff and Moose' vets are very interested in his progress and the program I'm following. I really appreciate the e-mails. It feels so good to be back on track. Cheryl Goul, CB.ccs & Tom Goul, CB.ccs Barrie, Ontario
"It's amazing to think of all the ways Norma Jeanne and her Canine Communication Studies course have influenced my life. I began the course in March of 2003 and am now running my own successful training business. I was searching for a Dog Training course that would motivate and educate me in all different aspects of Dog Training and Behaviour. My search was long and unsuccessful, until I found this course. As soon as I spoke to Norma Jeanne I knew her course was exactly what I was looking for. Norma Jeanne was open, honest and thorough when telling me about her course. I started right away and it was the best decision I ever made. The course is very thorough and accurately covers all aspects of training and behaviour. Norma Jeanne constantly updates the course to ensure it includes all the latest tools and techniques. She not only offers her own experience and expertise but also includes books written by other proven trainers, so that her students are provided with a wide array of knowledge. She encourages you to learn from as many sources as possible, and to keep an open mind. The course is challenging to ensure she creates the best trainers. The CCS course is formatted in easy to read booklets with complimentary videos to help you visualize the exercises. Norma Jeanne always answers your questions quickly and accurately, applying research and experience to every answer. Not only is Norma Jeanne a great teacher, she is also a wonderful friend. She has helped me through so many things and I am truly grateful for her friendship. She is such a strong individual with so much integrity. I look up to her so much as she has accomplished so many great things. She is my mentor and will always be. She has given me the strength and support to make my dream a reality, I couldn't have done it without her. All the CCS students and grads have become like family to me, we stick together and support one another as we are all working toward the same goals. Becoming a Dog Trainer/Behaviour Therapist has truly enriched my life. I wake up every morning with a smile on my face, knowing that I am making a difference in both the lives of dogs and their owners. It's a great feeling when you really LOVE your work. I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to be a happy as I truly am. Thank you Norma Jeanne for everything. Kimberly Davison, CTB.ccs On The Ball Dog Training & Behaviour, Cambridge, Ontario
"Norma Jeanne's Canine Communication Studies course opened my eyes to a whole new world of how dogs deserve to be trained. It didn't take long after meeting with her to know absolutely that she is devoted, knowledgeable and passionate about animals. I too have always been a lover of animals and knew even at a young age that this is where I belonged. I worked in Pet Stores, Kennels, learned Dog Grooming and worked for a Veterinarian. Although I enjoyed these positions, something was missing until I met Norma Jeanne; she is a great teacher who truly stands behind training methods that are humane and designed with the best interest of the dogs in mind. The CCS course is loaded with up to date information on canine behaviour and learning theory and is presented in a logical, easy to understand format. This is not to say that the course isn't challenging, because it is. I had to throw away all my old thinking about dog training and look at it again in a whole new perspective. The course not only gave me the skills necessary to open a Dog Training business of my own, it taught me how to communicate effectively with animals so that learning is easy, respectful and fun. I only wish that I would have known about this course sooner. Thanks Norma Jeanne for all your support and knowledge even after I graduated." Lynda O'Neill, CTB.ccs Confident Canines, Kitchener, Ontario
"The course was great. It was challenging and interesting and definitely informative! A lot of excellent material presented in a logical manner and in easily understood terms. The manuals are thorough and offer a lot of cross-referencing and repetition where needed to make learning easier and more engrained. The videos will give you what you need if you are unable to attend the live-in version of the course. I'm sure you will find it thorough and rewarding and definitely sufficient material to give you the knowledge you need to begin this new career path. I reference that material often when presented with a problem or a question from a client.
Another invaluable aspect of the course is the support of Norma Jeanne long after you have graduated. I graduated in May of 2001 and I can still always count on a very helpful response from Norma Jeanne when I run into a quandary or get a special situation that I'm not sure how to handle. She is always there for me. I am still in awe of what each student (the dog) achieves by the end of a 6-week course. Very rewarding for me and for the client. I have also attended classes offered by many other trainers in this city (as an assistant or as a student with my own dogs) and, although I can pick up some fun ideas and occasional new methods in these classes, I still feel that my classes and my outline and my methods (based on Norma Jeanne's course!) are better. I know that Norma Jeanne is still constantly working on upgrading and bettering the course that she offers. From my perspective, another reason to consider her course is this ongoing commitment to her work and the obvious pride she takes in it." Janet Greenwood, CTB.ccs My Dog Spot, Calgary Alberta (Janet's dog Tikka was in the movie 'Monte Walsh' starring Tom Selleck)
"I started the course around December 2001 and I am now operating my own business under the name of PawzAbilities. I did some research and searched out other schools before finally meeting Norma Jeanne of Puppy Power and signing up for the Canine Communications Studies course. The reason I decided to go with Puppy Power was because first of all meeting Norma Jeanne I could tell right away that she is very passionate about dogs. This is very important to me as I have always been an animal lover.
The second thing is that the course material goes in depth into canine behavour and learning theory and it is easy to follow and understand, as it takes you step by step through the program. I took the correspondence course also and have found this to be terrific because I have a hectic schedule (as I work a full time job) and it allowed me to work the course around my busy schedule. Norma Jeanne is a fair and knowledgeable teacher. She will offer you encouragement as well as constructive criticism. She doesn't give out marks unless you earn them, so that you know you are actually learning what you need to learn to run an affective training school. Norma Jeanne also encourages you to seek out other sources and to do lots of research on your own. I like that very much because I want to give 110% to my clients. I have met several of Norma Jeanne's students through different seminars and workshops and we have become quite a family. We all support one another and offer assistance and encouragement. We are a close knit network of dog trainers that have the same goals in mind. To keep dogs out of the pounds and from being euthanized and in safe and loving homes. If you love dogs and would like to have a career doing something that you truly love, then I definitely recommend the course." Sherry Herla, CTB.ccs PawzAbilities Dog Training, Behaviour Modification & Doggy Daycare, Kitchener, Ontario
"When I started running my business many years ago, I approached numerous trainers to get their feedback and advice, and had the pleasure of meeting Norma Jeanne. When I learned all about her, her business and her career course, I was very impressed & touched. From that day forth I have been blessed with not only a wonderful mentor but a friend as well. In December of 2002, I began taking her course to further my own development and knowledge, and was immediately impressed by the in-depth thoroughness of this program. For many years I read books and watched videos but never found a program that covered every aspect of behavour and training, like the CCS program. Norma Jeanne has taught me so much since our first meeting and I continue to learn from her. I have been given the opportunity to teach classes out of the same school which has given me the hope of finally achieving my goals of success. To this day, she continues to guide & support my every endeavor. Norma Jeanne's kindness and knowledge is indescribable, and I'm thankful every day for our finding one another again." Sylvia Gottschalk, CTB.ccs Delightful Dogs Dog Training & Behaviour Modification, Kitchener, Ontario
"Taking the Canine Communication Studies program was by far one of the best decisions I have made. The many videos and manuals of information are very thorough and interesting! The course really prepares you to be a obedience instructor/ behaviour consultant. I have, thanks to Norma Jeanne, started my own successful obedience training business and am loving every minute of it! Norma Jeanne is a very supportive, patient and knowledgeable teacher. She has an answer or explanation for everything! Norma Jeanne is always available to answer any questions I might have. I am very thankful for NJ and her patience, understanding, constant support and great sense of humour! Jennifer Reed, CTB.ccs Leader of the Pack - Touch-free Dog Training, Guelph, Ontario
"Compassion, kindness, insight and intuitiveness are a few adjectives that come to mind when I think of Norma Jeanne and her Puppy Power and Canine Communication Studies course. She opens up a whole new world of training and knowledge for her students and clients alike. She is never too busy or tired to answer questions or help with a problem when asked. A great teacher and mentor. Thank you Norma Jeanne." Jo-Anne Strang, CTB.ccs Positive Affects Dog Training & Behaviour, Windsor, Ontario
"I wish to thank you Norma Jeanne for all the support you have given me over the past two years. Thanks for putting up with all my questions and answering them so thoughtfully. Thanks for adapting the course to my needs and situation (the endless moves, the wedding, car problems, etc.) Your Canine Communication Studies Course is an excellent introduction to the world of Dog Behaviour and Training. I think what sets this course apart is its use of gentle yet effective methods to train and treat behavior problems. You kept up to date on all the latest techniques and passed them on to myself and the other students. The literature and information I collected throughout the course will prove an invaluable reference as I move on. The quizzes were good in helping me assimilate all of this valuable information. I especially liked the questions which involved behavior problem scenarios where I had the opportunity to develop a behavior modification plan. The hands on experience and opportunity to teach classes helped me to develop my teaching abilities. You were supportive throughout the course and provided helpful, positive feedback. This course has given me confidence and know-how to go out and start my own business. You are an excellent role model and if I can apply myself as you have, I know I will be successful. Thanks for giving me a chance to make my dreams come true." Tamara McFarland CTB.ccs Halifax, New Brunswick
"This comes with great thanks for everything you have done for me, as well as your continuous support and motivation. If it weren't for you, Canine Communication Studies and Puppy Power, I never would have caught the bug and began this successful business." Kim Barrett CTB.ccs Kim's Happy Endings Training, Daycare and Boarding Kitchener, Ontario
"Dear Norma Jeanne; What you taught me goes way beyond dog training. Because of you I now believe that I can do almost anything and for that I am grateful. Thank you for everything." Ginny Campbell CTB.ccs Super Paws, Belleville, Ontario
"I'm really enjoying your CCS Studies and I hope to be as good as you someday. You are a very good teacher and I'm learning a lot. Thank you!!!" Tanya Liste, Canine Concepts, Waterdown, Ontario
"I am enjoying the reading very much and finding myself wanting to learn more. The info provided in your books is fantastic and I finally understand some things that I was not quite sure about in the past." Caroline Bolduc, Mississauga, Ontario
"Hi Norma Jeanne, Sorry I haven't written you, but I received my first package a week and a half ago, and have almost gotten all the way through it! Just been very busy with the dogs and work, etc. That's the great thing about correspondence, I don't feel pressured at all! So far, the manuals and video are GREAT! I have to say, I thought I knew quite a bit about behaviour and learning techniques, and am already learning new stuff. I really like your "hands-free" approach to the training. Your classes look like they are a lot of fun for both the dogs and owners. I wish that I had classes here like that to attend with my young male. The obedience and handling classes we are currently attending are reward-based, but no clickers (although I bring mine along), and as far as I know, there aren't any other clicker trainers in the area. All the more reason for me to get certified! I'm definitely happy with your course materials. I particularly like the videos, as they are an excellent reference to have on-hand. Down the road, when I'm ready to teach classes, I know that I will be referring the them often as you've provided excellent examples of class situations. The problem I had with the course that I took prior to this one, well, one of them, was that there were no reference materials provided. All we were given was a binder full of blank paper and were told to take notes, no videos and no manuals like you provided. That made it difficult when I started training, and somewhat discouraging, as with the lack of reference materials, combined with zero after-grad support, I was pretty much on my own to figure things out. Your course is the complete opposite, I know on completion, that I will be very prepared for classes and that you will be there to answer any questions that come up." Allison Brown, Kamloops, British Columbia.
Hi Norma Jeanne, I used the technique you showed me at class last night with two of my clients dogs. It worked amazingly well with one of them. This is a dog that barked and lunged so much that the owners (and I) felt he should be muzzled. This technique was really starting to work with him as he was lunging less and less. The other dog’s improvement was not as dramatic but was still an improvement and he will continue to improve if the owners continue to work with me. I just wanted to let you know I AM IMPRESSED with that technique THANK YOU for adding it to my tool box. Kathy Currie-Eyers, CTB.ccs Top Dog Training & Behavior, Barrie, Ontario
Dear Norma Jeanne, Participating in the CCS course was a very rewarding experience and I am grateful to Norma Jeanne for all the hard work she has put into it. I decided to register in the intensive program simply out of a desire to understand dogs better and to know as much about them as possible. I've always loved dogs but have never had one. When I found out that this course existed here in Waterloo, I jumped on the opportunity before moving out west.
The last two months have been very busy but extremely educational, fun and gratifying. I have read so much about dogs, observed them, asked a million questions about them and worked with them and their owners. Norma Jeanne has been wonderfully generous with her time and resources to make sure that I got as much out of this two month period as possible. I was given a chance to assist her at her school and to teach as many exercises as I wanted to her classes in order to get the much needed practice and exposure to dogs. Her feedback was always encouraging and constructive. I also put one of her dogs through all three levels in order to experience the exercises and demonstrate my knowledge of the training procedures. What a valuable experience! I don't know what I'll do with all these new skills but one thing is certain. Even if they only serve to help train my own dog one day, she will be a very lucky dog and I know I'll be giving her the best chance possible at a happy and fulfilling life. Dominique Hurley CTB.ccs Calgary, AB
Hi Norma Jeanne, "Thank you again for a fabulous experience; the Canine Communications course Level One College Course has left me with a renewed sense of purpose where my job is concerned.... and eager to develop my canine training techniques into Level Two this fall! Many dog people know by instinct what works and what doesn't.... You taught me why it works and why it doesn't. This foundation for Canine Communication and Behavioral Therapy has found immediate and beneficial application to the CFIA's Detector Dog Training Program. My canine confidence has increased tenfold and I look forward to Level Two with great anticipation .... thanks again!" Alexis Seraj, CCS Conestoga College Program, National Travelers' Program Assistant Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) Guelph, Ontario
"Dear Norma Jeanne; Darwin and I would like to thank you for help with his training. It has helped us immensely and we are positive it will make Darwin a better service dog. We are enjoying the advanced classes and their challenges very much." Laurie Page, Kitchener, Ontario
"Dear Norma Jeanne; Several years ago I began finding homes for unwanted dogs. Many had been neglected and abused and often came with little or no socialization, no housebreaking and numerous other problems. Having a houseful of these problem pooches can be quite frustrating. As result of your consultation the results have been outstanding. Thank you for your help." Joy Casselli, Kitchener, Ontario
"Dear Norma Jeanne; Darby and I enjoyed Level One very much. The class was well organized, productive and fun for both of us. The training manual you provided was very easy to follow and helped us at home. Your new facilities are great too! Darby and I learned what I was hoping for and it has been much more enjoyable to have her around. We are able to control her now and we are especially happy that we did not need to use physical methods to get there. We appreciate your efforts and can't wait to begin your trick class. We look forward to seeing you again." Janine and Darby Jones, Kitchener, Ontario
"Dear Norma Jeanne; This is a letter of gratitude. The day I called you I was desperate, we love our dachshund, but did not like his behavior. I had bought a book special to this breed trying all the techniques but nothing worked! Max was still barking and lunging at people. After you came to my house and spent an hour with Max and myself with your kind but firm and positive approach, you won Max's heart immediately. Within 24 hours Max was a changed dog. The neighbours were calling to see if Max was sick because they had heard no barking! Its been awhile now and I want everyone to know Puppy Power works! We just came in from our walk and we encountered many barking dogs, but not my Max. I am a very proud owner of a very quiet and happy dog. I highly recommend Puppy Power and Norma Jeanne's positive approach to training." Sharon Niergarth and Maximillion, Waterloo, Ontario
"As the owner of two dogs, one that was abused and neglected by his previous owner, and the other abandoned; I was not a stranger to erratic canine behaviour. The search for a method to effectively handle this behaviour using positive interactions was not without its challenges. However, the day that I discovered Norma Jeanne and her training methods was the day that my life and the lives of my dogs changed. Norma Jeanne's Puppy Power is more than a dog training school. It is a whole new way of altering unacceptable behaviour and reinforcing acceptable behavior. The concept of positive reinforcement utilizing a wide variety of techniques, depending upon the behaviour to be modified, had worked wonders with both of my dogs. Norma Jeanne's techniques are easy to learn and easier to continue. The Puppy Power school is clean, the environment is friendly and the atmosphere is non-threatening. Although I had been a little apprehensive upon my arrival at the school the first time due to a concern that my dog would not succeed, my fears were soon dissolved. Norma Jeanne is extremely knowledgeable and continues to develop her methods. Her suggestions and advice work. When classes were over, the learning did not stop. Norma Jeanne makes herself available for consultation over the phone and provides very valuable advice and suggestions to handle any behaviour that is of concern. I have truly benefited, and my dogs have benefited from the experience, knowledge, and professionalism that Norma Jeanne exudes. She is truly every dogs, and every dog owners best friend!" Ruth Ariss - Kitchener, Ontario
"We, the Tennant family, firmly believe in the excellence in this training organization. Norma Jeanne is the ideal model for obedience training. She is accessible, knowledgeable, and always ready to help. Her positive training methods, along with her sense of humour have helped our family through minor crisis, in our journey with Ben, and I'm sure, other families as well." The Tennant Family, Kitchener, Ontario
Hi Norma Jeanne, I just wanted to give you an update on Dory. Your recommendations worked great. She still "guards" but it is more like a "keep away" game and she is not growling etc, even then, it's very rare. She is much better! Thank you so much for your help. Dory has also become much more affectionate, sitting beside me for hours letting me pet her, it's great! Carrie Cleghorn, Guelph, Ontario
"Dear Norma Jeanne, Thank you so much, you are a great dog trainer and a beautiful person. We had fun in your classes and meeting other wonderful dogs and their owners. We LOVE our Sadey even more because you taught us how to understand dogs behavior. Thank you for answering all of my questions. Every dog owner should take your class, we can all learn that with gentle but firm training, your dog can be the #1 MUTT of the house. This is WHAT you teach Norma Jeanne...THANK YOU." The Acevedo Family Walter, Claudia. Paulina, Karla and Sadey, Kitchener, Ontario
"Six years ago we had the pleasure of attending your obedience classes with our Bichon puppy, Bailey. As I had no previous experience in raising a dog, I found your classes invaluable, teaching gentle yet firm behaviour. It certainly made life easier for all of us, including Bailey. Now we can just sit back and enjoy his living companionship. Since then, I have had the occasion to call you twice in reference to issues that had arisen. I find you to be accessible, extremely knowledgeable and always ready to help. I would like to thank you for your caring assistance. Classes are so important, but the care of a loving pet is ongoing. What I find comforting is the fact that you are always there should the need arise. This is a sign of someone truly committed and dedicated to her profession." Betty McCormick, Kitchener, Ontario.
Hi Norma Jeanne, I just wanted to let you know how well Tika is doing with the Gentle Leader! I wish I used it sooner! We took Tika for 3 walks yesterday, and what a difference! she of course wasn't crazy about using it, but she didn't pull at all. Today, I took her for a short break outside, without the Gentle Leader, because of time constraints, and it was like walking a totally different dog! She did not pull or run once! We will continue to use the leader though for longer walks until she no longer needs it. The walks have actually been enjoyable! Daisy Lee, Kitchener, Ontario
Stanley Coren, PhD, FRSC, Professor of Psychology and author of numerous books including the Intelligence of Dogs and How Dogs Think.
Thank you so much for your advice!!! We tried it once this morning and she hasn't touched the kids since. Wow. I'm sure it will come up again but what a perfect and positive way of dealing with her biting. Thanks again, Sonja Pratt
Hi Norma Jeanne, I know it's been a long time, way too long in my opinion, but I wanted to update you on Little. We've been trialing, actually going out amongst other dogs and people, and Little handles it wonderfully! He is happy and relaxed and only gets upset if a dog stands right up against the door to his crate, and then only growls quietly, but won't get up, bark, or display otherwise. HE'S SO GOOD! So far we have been doing CARO. We have our Novice and Advanced title, one leg towards Excellent and two towards Novice Team. We have been to a handful of fun matches for obedience and has done exceptionally well. Our first CKC obedience trial is the 21st. But all this pales in comparison to what he did last Sunday. Surrounded by friends, Little earned his Canine Good Neighbour! A title I NEVER EVER thought he would earn! I am so incredibly proud of Little! Even more so than if he had earned his OTCH! We have both worked very hard in resocializing him and getting him over his fears. He still has some barriers to cross, such as children, but he's done so well. I just wanted to share our triumph with you as you were SUCH a huge influence on those tough days. Days where I wasn't sure if there was help for him. Days where I was faced with the most difficult decision anyone could ever have to make... do I euthanize this dog? So, from the deepest depths of my heart, THANK YOU!!!! Best wishes, Cheryl & Little Wim, CGN, CRACL
Hi there Norma Jeanne, Congratulations on teaching your 800th class this Saturday. Quite a feat indeed. Dogs and dog owners woe you so much. Ultra mega woofs to you. Dr. Ian Dunbar
Congratulations!!! It is difficult to believe that someone as young, beautiful and unscarred has gone through 800 combat skirmishes. A lot of them were probably fun as well. Again all the best. Dr. Stanley Coren
Congrats on class number 800, Norma Jeanne, what an accomplishment!!! Warm Woof, Pat Miller
Wow! 800 classes! You have so much to be proud of! I just wanted to add my voice to the many that will celebrate all the wonderful work you have done for dogs and the people who love them. 800 more? Best, Patricia B. McConnell, Ph.D.
Hi Norma Jeanne, you are so darned good at what you do girl. I hope you received the Doggone Safe letter of congrats on your 800th class! I think you are one of the top trainers/consultants in Ontario and Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheers, Teresa Lewin - Doggone Safe and Doggone Crazy
Hi Norma Jeanne: Congratulations on your 800th class! Way to go! Keep up0 the great work! All the best, Nathan Penny MSc. - Applied Animal Behaviorist
Hi Norma Jeanne: So glad to hear that you're still going strong - I can't believe that you'll be celebrating your 800th class this weekend!! Keep up the great work. Cheryl Yuill - Veterinarian - Blue Cross Animal Hospital
Hi Norma Jeanne, I just wanted to drop you a note to say thank you for all your wonderful help. I know the kids, Dave and I could use some more training, and Laya is very patient with us! It is a lot of fun, I have learned so much and I am very happy - we look forward to seeing you in the fall, and hope you enjoy your summer. Take care, happy trails. Jenny Wilkie - Guelph, Ontario
Hi Norma Jeanne, We wanted to send a HUGE thank you for such a wonderful class today!! We had such a great time and learned tons and are looking forward to a week of positive training with Wiki. Thanks to all the exerted energy this aft we are also now enjoying a very peaceful quiet Sunday afternoon (complete with the typical bulldog snoring! :) Thanks again for a great class and we are really looking forward to next week! Chris & Andrea (& Wiki)
Hi, Norma-Jeanne! We wanted to write and say a big thank-you for the course. We both really appreciated your way of training, I really like how non-violent your stance is toward animals. I've recommended you to our friends. Best wishes in the future, hopefully we will see you for another course!
Anna & Mark, Scooter & Beans - Kitchener, Ontario
I'm making my way through the manuals in your course, after reading about a technique I haven't tied before I of course go "OH COOL!", grab my clicker and a bag full of treats and go on a training spree with the dogs... and cats. Your heeling tips worked wonders with my grey, namely changing direction. After 3 and a half years I FINALLY have him EXCITED about heeling! All the treats, praise and toys in the world couldn't motivate him to do this most boring of tasks, but the technique that requires him to try to keep up with me did it. Cheryl Becker - Oshawa, Ontario
Thanks Norma Jeanne! We really did learn a lot. We are very excited about starting our own business and are well on the way to making that happen. If you are ever in the area we would love to meet you in person and show you our facility. Thank you for the link to IPDTA. It is an organization we were planning on joining and thank you again for such a well put together, thought out course. We are looking forward to using the email groups and your expertise. Kristine and Allan Marshall - Calgary, Alberta
Hi Norma Jeanne, Thank you for putting on a wonderful event. My family and I enjoyed ourselves at the Awards Banquet. It's very heartwarming to be around so many people who live up to our standards of training. Thank you for your constant support, not just to me but to so many wonderful people. We're really, truly blessed to have you standing behind us, as a mentor, spokesperson, and friend. Cheryl Becker - Oshawa, Ontario
Hi everyone, I figured out how to get the pictures into the computer. I'm sending them all to each of you so you have something to remember the Therapy Dog class by. Norma Jeanne, I had to send them to you so you could see how far my Chili has come. I know you always kept the faith! Lynn Kirton, Kitchener, Ontario
Hi Norma Jeanne, Jake finally learned to shake a paw, high five and wave. I was able to shape this within about one minute of trying earlier in the week. I know it is all science but I am so proud of him and me, I can see now that I can easily continue this shaping for other results. We had a blast as usual, please keep in touch and I will do the same! Lynn Kirton - Kitchener, Ontario
Norma Jeanne, Just wanted to say thanks, we have been for two walks in the last three days, 50 mins each on a regular route just bailey and I, (this took us from the driveway, across the street, always two people, baby steps...) and the third day, I walked to my girlfriends, a shorter walk but very different route and he was introduced to two new people, still some work, but this is giant for us, thanks again for your help. Val Spads - Kitchener, Ontario
Our run tonight included a beep with the SC - Chili has decided to start doing a wide circle before she returns (she did this when we first started Frisbee, too). The beep got her back on track, though. Anyway, it is SO good to be able to turn her loose and watch her run and play and "be a dog." Just have to back up a step or two for a few days, I guess. I feel a lot more relaxed about it all, now, recognizing it's a setback, not the end of the world. I can't thank you enough for all your help, advice, and patience.
Thank you for your telephone message. I appreciate your offer to help Calum and me once he is back in good health. Your kindness toward dogs is certainly evident in your positive attitude toward dog owners. Katherine - Kitchener, Ontario
Hi, Norma Jeanne, Update on Red Hot Chili: We had 2 great Frisbee sessions tonight. I do like learning from the best teachers and of course, it's why we keep coming back to Puppy Power, too. :) Anyway, Chili is catching quite a few discs, which must also mean that I'm throwing better, too! Tonight, we were playing with the distraction of a family of people, including a couple of children, fishing in the river. We got in about 5 throws before I started losing Chili's attention, so we did 1 more short toss that she could get, and ended the session. But she didn't even try to take off. On the way back, we practiced some of her tricks - marching, rolling over and back, curtsey, and front and back, all within sight and hearing of the fisherfolk. Then, we walked the short block home with her heeling and me NOT HOLDING HER LEASH. Actually, she was on the long line, but it was trailing behind her and I didn't have to touch it all the way home. But the really great news is that we are going for longs walks down a country road with Chili draggin a line that I often don't even hold on to. If she starts to get too far ahead, I ask her to sit, down, or come, and she responds right away. Most of this happened quite spontaneously. After a choice piece of horse poop sprayed her in the face, she doesn't go too far away! And I always have to help her past the spot on the road where that awful thing happened! I get so excited about our progress, I just have to tell somebody. You're top of the list, because you know how frustrated and discouraged I was getting, and you've been such a huge help in getting us through our difficulties. I'm noticing a real difference in Chili, as if she has finally decided that she wants to be with me. I went through a very bad patch when I thought we just weren't suited for each other. Now, I'm wondering if I really want another dog because I'm enjoying my one-on-one time with Chili so much. I'm looking forward to Freestyle in a couple of weeks. I actually bought some dowelling and we've had a couple of sessions teaching Chili not to eat it, but when I nudge her to try and get her to side pass towards me, she shoves on the dowel or runs out in front. So maybe I'll wait until class to see how to teach her properly. Oh, yes, and finally - Chili can almost sit and be patted by strangers without having hysterics. She can't hold the sit for very long, but she's showing less tendency to jump at people's faces. So hopefully she'll be ready for Sylvia's Therapy Dog course in October! Sorry to babble on so, but you were right. Chili is now firmly entrenched as my "Special Girl." All my dogs have had "special" names (Baroque was always my "Best Boy"), and Chili has really earned hers. Jan & Chili
Hi Everyone, Wasn't that a fun weekend? From the forms received there seems to be a tie for the most informative presentation - Norma Jeanne on Positive Reinforcement or Positive Punishment and Patti Graham's grooming talk. My sincere gratitude to all of you that made the Dogwould weekend such a success! Your energy and enthusiasm made everyone feel very welcomed. Judy Sauve - Camp Dogwould Coordinator, Ottawa, Ontario
Hi Norma Jeanne, Saturday's seminar was great. Not just the information, but the opportunity to come together and network. You put everyone at ease and make it so simple to ask questions. Jennifer Ranger, Toronto, Ontario
Hello Norma Jeanne, I Just wanted to say that I love the look of your website, and am proud of how you have grown your business and spread your dog ethics to all who will listen. Cheryl and I have a small but respectable presence in the Barrie Ontario area, and we are preaching the good word so to speak about canine behaviour. We offer personal consultations for problematic dogs...and owners (LoL). Our business has been all word of mouth which is nice because the referrals have a confidence in our abilities from the outset. Rest assured we are still desirous of seeing this passion of working with dogs fulfilled. I just wanted to say that your material has made a very positive difference in our lives, our two dogs Bear and Moose(the rescue), and many appreciative clients and their dogs. If we have learned anything in the last three years, it has been that all dogs given the right environment, the right people, and the right degree of patience can be molded and redirected into wonderful companions. Thank you for helping us see the gentle way. Keep up the good work. Tom Goul, CB.ccs & Cheryl Goul, CB.ccs - The Puppy Professors - Barrie, Ontario
All of your advice the other day was very helpful. Thank you so much for spending the time. It's obvious that you care a lot about the dogs. Thanks Again for all your help, Angela Smith
Thanks so much (again) for your expert advise. The 'time outs' did the trick and her problem behaviour is solved! Thanks again, Yours truly; John Vice
Frosty is such a good puppy, the boys taught him a new trick last night. They taught him to jump over their back - it's adorable. I am so thankful that we did the Puppy classes with you to get us on the right track with training. He responds so well with his listening, it amazes us sometimes! We are big believers in positive reinforcement, which is one of the reasons we chose Puppy Power. Being a new dog owner, the skills we learned from the very beginning in training Frosty have been truly invaluable. We appreciate your unique approach in encouraging the family to attend the classes. We believe, it is because of this, we have had so much success with our training experience. It was positively the best! Thank-you! Paul, Joanne, Mitchel, Justin & Frosty : )
I'm happy you liked the picture of Wile E. Coyote. We all wanted to do something special for you. We are always saying thanks, thanks, but we really wanted to show you how much you mean to us and how much we appreciate everything you do. You give so much of yourself and in return ask nothing. Your compassion and empathy can only be surpassed by your dedication. There have been times I felt like I just couldn't do what I do anymore. Sometimes, you start to think your fighting a losing battle. When you have a horse that lays it's head in your lap because it is too weak to stand, you hear a dog cry out in pain as he's trying to move, or as you reach down to pat a dog - she throws herself on the floor, it can really take it's toll on you. Most of the time I feel like I walk around with a very heavy heart. You have been there for me in those times and helped me put things back into perspective. You have given me the courage and inspiration to go on. Through your support you have reminded me that I am a fighter, to stand firm in my beliefs and to believe I alone can make a difference. When I started this course, I did not expect for you to touch my life so profoundly. Not only do I see you as my teacher and mentor, but also a wonderful, unexpected friend. I thank you for that with all my heart. June McLean, CTB.ccs - Westville, Nova Scotia, CA
Thank you for all your simple, fixable ideas that you gave me regarding Divot's behaviour. Today, Barry told me that Divot never barked at all. The neighbours will think we killed him. He has treat toys now and loves the Tricky Treats ball. He rolls that thing all over the house, waiting for a piece of kibble to fall out of the hole. He's no longer crawling all over Barry, wanting attention. He also waits for the Kong to be put outside in the morning, all nicely frozen and ready to reveal its contents. I haven't taken him to Day Care yet as it's hard doing my job and Barry's and still have time left in the day to drop Divot off and pick him up by 5 pm. That's certainly a plan for down the road. Thank you so much for your help. You've certainly improved the relationship between us and our pet. Hope you can see the picture of Divot that I've attached. Isn't he a beautiful boy! I've been singing your praises to every dog owner I know. I told Kelly (one of your past students) at "On Golden Paws" that I wish she had a newsletter or a white board in her store where customers could list their favorite products because the Spray Commander and Tricky Treats ball were amazing products to modify behavior. I even told her that I had learned that from you. Thank you, Thank you! PS: Today was the second day in a row that he hasn't barked. Barry said he was an amazing dog today.
I thought I have seen and heard everything when it came to training but did I ever get my eyes open yesterday when I took Kya on a 8K walk around the Floradale dam. I came across a woman with a large boxer who trained the "baw method". I am not sure how to spell it but that is the way it sounded. I was proud of myself for keeping a straight face when watching her in action. I put Kya in a sit stay to talk to her and walked away from her. The woman tried to put her 2yr old in a sit stay but it would not keep it and that is when I heard her yell "BAW" at the top of her lungs. She said it was to mimic the mothers growl and she took classes from a man I believe lives in Elmira. When the baw did not work she then threw a bottle with something in it at him so as not to hit the dog but startle him. It still did not listen and it ran to Kya and was boxing her. I was a proud momma when Kya keep her sit stay and did not stand up so I said to the woman I will reward Kya for her excellent sit stay while your dog is on top of her. I did not ever think I would see the day Kya could keep a sit stay when a dog was at her that way. The woman grabbed her dog and kept yelling baw. I told her that I went to you and Sylvia and we use positive reinforcement. They do not use food at all. Well proof is in the pudding as they say and I could see her method does not work so I hope she could see from Kya that there is a kinder and gentle way to train a dog. I just want to thank you and Sylvia once again. Kendra
You have been the best teacher I've ever had.....no I really mean that!!!!!!! You get five gold stars!!!!!! Melissa Prange - CCS Student, Fort St. John, BC.
The 'tricks' you have given me for Bosco's problem are working out just fine. I can't believe the change in him in just two days. Already, he starts paying more attention to me than what is going on around us when walking outdoors. I am so impressed, I even asked my husband to come with me this afternoon to make sure I wasn't seeing things, he too was impressed with the changes, especially when we came across another dog on the street and Bosco paid more attention to me than to that impressive dog. I Can't thank you enough ! We still have to work on it, I don't expect everything to be perfect in just two days, but we are doing fine. Either I'm doing something right or I have a very clever dog, maybe both. Anyways, thanks a lot, as this was becoming a nightmare that finally turned out to be just a fun thing to do. And you were right, out with the negative feelings on my part ! Now we're out to have fun and learn ! Linda Reasins
"I have to say that the seminar that you did on "games" was one of the best seminar's I've been too. Your idea's are fantastic. I really enjoyed myself. I hope that you will speak again soon." Sharla McNair - K9 Minds, Aurora, Ontario
"I Just wanted to tell you that I love your course. I am definately learning a lot." Susan Woodgate - Orangeville, Ontario
"I just wanted to let you know that all the great feedback I get on my dog information awareness, intervention, rescue work and training...I learned from your program. I am certainly unique in this farming community and people are enjoying the change ("what no choke chains??? they say!!). We build a bond of trust and teach the dogs, not force them...and it works beautifully. Thank you for showing me "the other side"...when I apprenticed on "the wrong side" all I could think was "I can't do this!" So how will I be a trainer!" But now I am a very respected trainer and feel good about the techniques. Thank you! Charlene Barrell, CB.ccs - Hot Springs, British Columbia
"Did I say today, how much I appreciate you? Thank you for all that you have done in my life. All the support, encouragement exhortation that you have put into it. Thank you! I got home safely and all is well. I will keep in touch." Sydney Drakes, CTB.ccs - Hastings, Barbados
"I wanted to tell you how much I'm enjoying working with you - I have told so many people what a great help you have been - you are truly a "mentor" in all sense of the word! You have been so giving with your material, advice, suggestions etc. and I have learned so much! Thank you for everything - you have truly inspired me to realize that I can make a career working with dogs and that's a dream come true!!" Jennifer Tutt - Erin, Ontario, Canada (ABC Student mentoring with Norma Jeanne)
"I was working full time when I took the CCS course and had no problem! That’s a great thing about Norma Jeanne’s course is – you can go at your own pace so you work on it when you have time. I do have my own business and run classes currently. I also still work full time in another job too. Areas that were most beneficial – the behaviour part – what’s normal, what’s not, how to read the body language, how to prevent aggression. There was sooo much great info it’s hard to pin point one thing. I also use her handouts for my clients and refer to them often for consults or problems with my own pup’s. I also use her manual – both of these are great so you don’t have to research and write your own material. Her course was the best thing I’ve done. Not only because I enjoy training, but has helped with my own dogs immensely! Not to mention she has the C-C-S email group with lots of helpful and supportive people. I have nothing but great things to say about the course!" Carrie Cleghorn BSc, CTB.ccs - Guiding Paws - Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
"Norma Jeanne, I was in your workshop at the CAPPDT conference and remember doing the grad exercises with a (human) partner (no dog available) and we had a blast. It was so much fun. I tried doing them in classes awhile ago but couldn't remember the exercises that well, and the ones I made up didn't work that well, so thank you for sharing them with us. I plan on using them at my next grad class. I expect that we will have a ball!!" Janis Mikelberg, Toronto, Ontario
Hi Norma Jeanne,
I just wanted to update you on the use of your games in my dog classes. I have been using them for a while and have been having a blast with them. Not only do my clients enjoy doing them but it gives me insight into what needs more work (proofing stays, leave it) and what is sometimes surprisingly good. I have been doing them the 2nd to last class so I can troubleshoot before they graduate and tell them how to improve. Thanks again for sharing. Janis Mikelberg, Toronto, Ontario
"Nice article. I always love the emotional component of training - too many people miss it. And might I say that your writing is significantly changing over the past several issues. It used to be good. Now it just rocks! Love the new style. :) Yvette Van Veen, CAPPDT Board of Directors, Forum Editor 2005
"Hi Norma Jeanne, You're great! I came from the last class with that satisfied feeling of having seen someone "walk what they talk." You were able to show encouragement and positive attitude even when some of your human and canine students didn't perform to an A+. Thanks for the privilege if sitting in on your classes." Ruth Richmond, Toronto, Ontario
"Thank you for allowing us to observe your classes. I must say that I was shocked by the difference between your classes and the classes my dog and I attend. First, the dogs in what I believe was your puppy class were better at recall than the dogs in our class at advanced novice level. All of the dogs in your class are happy, excited, and highly motivated. I'd love to say that the dogs in our class were, but they are just excited to see the other dogs. They are obedient, but only because if they stray they get a jerk of the collar. I feel I have done my dog an injustice, which breaks my heart. Being my first dog I didn't know a whole lot about obedience. I always knew I wanted to use positive reinforcement and always have, though watching your class was like looking over the fence for the first time. I blindly enrolled with the instructor I currently use after ALL of my co-workers, and my manager, telling me what an amazing instructor she was. I still sat in on a class but I think the mistake I made was not sitting in on any others. The more I trained, the more I began to question her but today I almost walked out. Someone asked about how to enforce recall when her dog wouldn't come. Our instructor brought out a chunk of knotted chain and instructed her to throw it at her dogs hip if she didn't come. My jaw dropped and I sat in shock as she demonstrated on a very willing clients dog, then another, and another. Thank god no more. With my boy, being a greyhound he is very sensitive, the harsher my tone of voice or actions, the more he hesitates. I was having trouble with his recall at one point, and was afraid he would dart out the door at work. I was told to go up and give him a correction, then bring him to where I called him. Instead, when I practiced your recall and when he came his reward would be play. If he strayed I used a food lure put in front of his nose to guide him back to where I was. Problem solved!"
"Thank you, Norma Jeanne, not for only convincing me that this course is perfect for me, but for opening my eyes and letting me look over the fence. Thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU!!!" Cheryl Becker, Oshawa, Ontario.
"I am enjoying the course so much and I think it is one of the best things I have ever done!!! Meghan Ginn, Kitchener, Ontario.
"Norma Jeanne, this is an excellent piece! One of the two or three most constructive and practical items I can remember running in the CAPPDT Forum Newsletter. I'll be using some of the advice myself, and I appreciate that you're sharing it with the membership. Nice work indeed."
"I do think your work is consistently excellent. I want to tell you that I have enjoyed your contributions and appreciate your commitment to the issues you address and the enlightenment of the membership. We've debated on opposite sides and on the same side of an assortment of discussions over the years, and I thank you for your passion for all of it. Thank you for writing for FORUM, speaking at the conference and sounding off on the email list etc. I hope you'll make the next editor's job as easy as you made mine." Andrew Perkins, CAPPDT Board of Directors, Forum Editor.
Hi Norma Jeanne, I'm considering sending you an e-mail for the IPDTA Newsletter about Moose's miraculous salvation. I just happened to be at the vet's office today and they were quite pleased with Moose as they noticed a big improvement in him. The staff and Moose' vets are very interested in his progress and the program I'm following. I really appreciate the e-mails. It feels so good to be back on track. Cheryl Goul, CB.ccs & Tom Goul, CB.ccs Barrie, Ontario
"It's amazing to think of all the ways Norma Jeanne and her Canine Communication Studies course have influenced my life. I began the course in March of 2003 and am now running my own successful training business. I was searching for a Dog Training course that would motivate and educate me in all different aspects of Dog Training and Behaviour. My search was long and unsuccessful, until I found this course. As soon as I spoke to Norma Jeanne I knew her course was exactly what I was looking for. Norma Jeanne was open, honest and thorough when telling me about her course. I started right away and it was the best decision I ever made. The course is very thorough and accurately covers all aspects of training and behaviour. Norma Jeanne constantly updates the course to ensure it includes all the latest tools and techniques. She not only offers her own experience and expertise but also includes books written by other proven trainers, so that her students are provided with a wide array of knowledge. She encourages you to learn from as many sources as possible, and to keep an open mind. The course is challenging to ensure she creates the best trainers. The CCS course is formatted in easy to read booklets with complimentary videos to help you visualize the exercises. Norma Jeanne always answers your questions quickly and accurately, applying research and experience to every answer. Not only is Norma Jeanne a great teacher, she is also a wonderful friend. She has helped me through so many things and I am truly grateful for her friendship. She is such a strong individual with so much integrity. I look up to her so much as she has accomplished so many great things. She is my mentor and will always be. She has given me the strength and support to make my dream a reality, I couldn't have done it without her. All the CCS students and grads have become like family to me, we stick together and support one another as we are all working toward the same goals. Becoming a Dog Trainer/Behaviour Therapist has truly enriched my life. I wake up every morning with a smile on my face, knowing that I am making a difference in both the lives of dogs and their owners. It's a great feeling when you really LOVE your work. I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to be a happy as I truly am. Thank you Norma Jeanne for everything. Kimberly Davison, CTB.ccs On The Ball Dog Training & Behaviour, Cambridge, Ontario
"Norma Jeanne's Canine Communication Studies course opened my eyes to a whole new world of how dogs deserve to be trained. It didn't take long after meeting with her to know absolutely that she is devoted, knowledgeable and passionate about animals. I too have always been a lover of animals and knew even at a young age that this is where I belonged. I worked in Pet Stores, Kennels, learned Dog Grooming and worked for a Veterinarian. Although I enjoyed these positions, something was missing until I met Norma Jeanne; she is a great teacher who truly stands behind training methods that are humane and designed with the best interest of the dogs in mind. The CCS course is loaded with up to date information on canine behaviour and learning theory and is presented in a logical, easy to understand format. This is not to say that the course isn't challenging, because it is. I had to throw away all my old thinking about dog training and look at it again in a whole new perspective. The course not only gave me the skills necessary to open a Dog Training business of my own, it taught me how to communicate effectively with animals so that learning is easy, respectful and fun. I only wish that I would have known about this course sooner. Thanks Norma Jeanne for all your support and knowledge even after I graduated." Lynda O'Neill, CTB.ccs Confident Canines, Kitchener, Ontario
"The course was great. It was challenging and interesting and definitely informative! A lot of excellent material presented in a logical manner and in easily understood terms. The manuals are thorough and offer a lot of cross-referencing and repetition where needed to make learning easier and more engrained. The videos will give you what you need if you are unable to attend the live-in version of the course. I'm sure you will find it thorough and rewarding and definitely sufficient material to give you the knowledge you need to begin this new career path. I reference that material often when presented with a problem or a question from a client.
Another invaluable aspect of the course is the support of Norma Jeanne long after you have graduated. I graduated in May of 2001 and I can still always count on a very helpful response from Norma Jeanne when I run into a quandary or get a special situation that I'm not sure how to handle. She is always there for me. I am still in awe of what each student (the dog) achieves by the end of a 6-week course. Very rewarding for me and for the client. I have also attended classes offered by many other trainers in this city (as an assistant or as a student with my own dogs) and, although I can pick up some fun ideas and occasional new methods in these classes, I still feel that my classes and my outline and my methods (based on Norma Jeanne's course!) are better. I know that Norma Jeanne is still constantly working on upgrading and bettering the course that she offers. From my perspective, another reason to consider her course is this ongoing commitment to her work and the obvious pride she takes in it." Janet Greenwood, CTB.ccs My Dog Spot, Calgary Alberta (Janet's dog Tikka was in the movie 'Monte Walsh' starring Tom Selleck)
"I started the course around December 2001 and I am now operating my own business under the name of PawzAbilities. I did some research and searched out other schools before finally meeting Norma Jeanne of Puppy Power and signing up for the Canine Communications Studies course. The reason I decided to go with Puppy Power was because first of all meeting Norma Jeanne I could tell right away that she is very passionate about dogs. This is very important to me as I have always been an animal lover.
The second thing is that the course material goes in depth into canine behavour and learning theory and it is easy to follow and understand, as it takes you step by step through the program. I took the correspondence course also and have found this to be terrific because I have a hectic schedule (as I work a full time job) and it allowed me to work the course around my busy schedule. Norma Jeanne is a fair and knowledgeable teacher. She will offer you encouragement as well as constructive criticism. She doesn't give out marks unless you earn them, so that you know you are actually learning what you need to learn to run an affective training school. Norma Jeanne also encourages you to seek out other sources and to do lots of research on your own. I like that very much because I want to give 110% to my clients. I have met several of Norma Jeanne's students through different seminars and workshops and we have become quite a family. We all support one another and offer assistance and encouragement. We are a close knit network of dog trainers that have the same goals in mind. To keep dogs out of the pounds and from being euthanized and in safe and loving homes. If you love dogs and would like to have a career doing something that you truly love, then I definitely recommend the course." Sherry Herla, CTB.ccs PawzAbilities Dog Training, Behaviour Modification & Doggy Daycare, Kitchener, Ontario
"When I started running my business many years ago, I approached numerous trainers to get their feedback and advice, and had the pleasure of meeting Norma Jeanne. When I learned all about her, her business and her career course, I was very impressed & touched. From that day forth I have been blessed with not only a wonderful mentor but a friend as well. In December of 2002, I began taking her course to further my own development and knowledge, and was immediately impressed by the in-depth thoroughness of this program. For many years I read books and watched videos but never found a program that covered every aspect of behavour and training, like the CCS program. Norma Jeanne has taught me so much since our first meeting and I continue to learn from her. I have been given the opportunity to teach classes out of the same school which has given me the hope of finally achieving my goals of success. To this day, she continues to guide & support my every endeavor. Norma Jeanne's kindness and knowledge is indescribable, and I'm thankful every day for our finding one another again." Sylvia Gottschalk, CTB.ccs Delightful Dogs Dog Training & Behaviour Modification, Kitchener, Ontario
"Taking the Canine Communication Studies program was by far one of the best decisions I have made. The many videos and manuals of information are very thorough and interesting! The course really prepares you to be a obedience instructor/ behaviour consultant. I have, thanks to Norma Jeanne, started my own successful obedience training business and am loving every minute of it! Norma Jeanne is a very supportive, patient and knowledgeable teacher. She has an answer or explanation for everything! Norma Jeanne is always available to answer any questions I might have. I am very thankful for NJ and her patience, understanding, constant support and great sense of humour! Jennifer Reed, CTB.ccs Leader of the Pack - Touch-free Dog Training, Guelph, Ontario
"Compassion, kindness, insight and intuitiveness are a few adjectives that come to mind when I think of Norma Jeanne and her Puppy Power and Canine Communication Studies course. She opens up a whole new world of training and knowledge for her students and clients alike. She is never too busy or tired to answer questions or help with a problem when asked. A great teacher and mentor. Thank you Norma Jeanne." Jo-Anne Strang, CTB.ccs Positive Affects Dog Training & Behaviour, Windsor, Ontario
"I wish to thank you Norma Jeanne for all the support you have given me over the past two years. Thanks for putting up with all my questions and answering them so thoughtfully. Thanks for adapting the course to my needs and situation (the endless moves, the wedding, car problems, etc.) Your Canine Communication Studies Course is an excellent introduction to the world of Dog Behaviour and Training. I think what sets this course apart is its use of gentle yet effective methods to train and treat behavior problems. You kept up to date on all the latest techniques and passed them on to myself and the other students. The literature and information I collected throughout the course will prove an invaluable reference as I move on. The quizzes were good in helping me assimilate all of this valuable information. I especially liked the questions which involved behavior problem scenarios where I had the opportunity to develop a behavior modification plan. The hands on experience and opportunity to teach classes helped me to develop my teaching abilities. You were supportive throughout the course and provided helpful, positive feedback. This course has given me confidence and know-how to go out and start my own business. You are an excellent role model and if I can apply myself as you have, I know I will be successful. Thanks for giving me a chance to make my dreams come true." Tamara McFarland CTB.ccs Halifax, New Brunswick
"This comes with great thanks for everything you have done for me, as well as your continuous support and motivation. If it weren't for you, Canine Communication Studies and Puppy Power, I never would have caught the bug and began this successful business." Kim Barrett CTB.ccs Kim's Happy Endings Training, Daycare and Boarding Kitchener, Ontario
"Dear Norma Jeanne; What you taught me goes way beyond dog training. Because of you I now believe that I can do almost anything and for that I am grateful. Thank you for everything." Ginny Campbell CTB.ccs Super Paws, Belleville, Ontario
"I'm really enjoying your CCS Studies and I hope to be as good as you someday. You are a very good teacher and I'm learning a lot. Thank you!!!" Tanya Liste, Canine Concepts, Waterdown, Ontario
"I am enjoying the reading very much and finding myself wanting to learn more. The info provided in your books is fantastic and I finally understand some things that I was not quite sure about in the past." Caroline Bolduc, Mississauga, Ontario
"Hi Norma Jeanne, Sorry I haven't written you, but I received my first package a week and a half ago, and have almost gotten all the way through it! Just been very busy with the dogs and work, etc. That's the great thing about correspondence, I don't feel pressured at all! So far, the manuals and video are GREAT! I have to say, I thought I knew quite a bit about behaviour and learning techniques, and am already learning new stuff. I really like your "hands-free" approach to the training. Your classes look like they are a lot of fun for both the dogs and owners. I wish that I had classes here like that to attend with my young male. The obedience and handling classes we are currently attending are reward-based, but no clickers (although I bring mine along), and as far as I know, there aren't any other clicker trainers in the area. All the more reason for me to get certified! I'm definitely happy with your course materials. I particularly like the videos, as they are an excellent reference to have on-hand. Down the road, when I'm ready to teach classes, I know that I will be referring the them often as you've provided excellent examples of class situations. The problem I had with the course that I took prior to this one, well, one of them, was that there were no reference materials provided. All we were given was a binder full of blank paper and were told to take notes, no videos and no manuals like you provided. That made it difficult when I started training, and somewhat discouraging, as with the lack of reference materials, combined with zero after-grad support, I was pretty much on my own to figure things out. Your course is the complete opposite, I know on completion, that I will be very prepared for classes and that you will be there to answer any questions that come up." Allison Brown, Kamloops, British Columbia.
Hi Norma Jeanne, I used the technique you showed me at class last night with two of my clients dogs. It worked amazingly well with one of them. This is a dog that barked and lunged so much that the owners (and I) felt he should be muzzled. This technique was really starting to work with him as he was lunging less and less. The other dog’s improvement was not as dramatic but was still an improvement and he will continue to improve if the owners continue to work with me. I just wanted to let you know I AM IMPRESSED with that technique THANK YOU for adding it to my tool box. Kathy Currie-Eyers, CTB.ccs Top Dog Training & Behavior, Barrie, Ontario
Dear Norma Jeanne, Participating in the CCS course was a very rewarding experience and I am grateful to Norma Jeanne for all the hard work she has put into it. I decided to register in the intensive program simply out of a desire to understand dogs better and to know as much about them as possible. I've always loved dogs but have never had one. When I found out that this course existed here in Waterloo, I jumped on the opportunity before moving out west.
The last two months have been very busy but extremely educational, fun and gratifying. I have read so much about dogs, observed them, asked a million questions about them and worked with them and their owners. Norma Jeanne has been wonderfully generous with her time and resources to make sure that I got as much out of this two month period as possible. I was given a chance to assist her at her school and to teach as many exercises as I wanted to her classes in order to get the much needed practice and exposure to dogs. Her feedback was always encouraging and constructive. I also put one of her dogs through all three levels in order to experience the exercises and demonstrate my knowledge of the training procedures. What a valuable experience! I don't know what I'll do with all these new skills but one thing is certain. Even if they only serve to help train my own dog one day, she will be a very lucky dog and I know I'll be giving her the best chance possible at a happy and fulfilling life. Dominique Hurley CTB.ccs Calgary, AB
Hi Norma Jeanne, "Thank you again for a fabulous experience; the Canine Communications course Level One College Course has left me with a renewed sense of purpose where my job is concerned.... and eager to develop my canine training techniques into Level Two this fall! Many dog people know by instinct what works and what doesn't.... You taught me why it works and why it doesn't. This foundation for Canine Communication and Behavioral Therapy has found immediate and beneficial application to the CFIA's Detector Dog Training Program. My canine confidence has increased tenfold and I look forward to Level Two with great anticipation .... thanks again!" Alexis Seraj, CCS Conestoga College Program, National Travelers' Program Assistant Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) Guelph, Ontario
"Dear Norma Jeanne; Darwin and I would like to thank you for help with his training. It has helped us immensely and we are positive it will make Darwin a better service dog. We are enjoying the advanced classes and their challenges very much." Laurie Page, Kitchener, Ontario
"Dear Norma Jeanne; Several years ago I began finding homes for unwanted dogs. Many had been neglected and abused and often came with little or no socialization, no housebreaking and numerous other problems. Having a houseful of these problem pooches can be quite frustrating. As result of your consultation the results have been outstanding. Thank you for your help." Joy Casselli, Kitchener, Ontario
"Dear Norma Jeanne; Darby and I enjoyed Level One very much. The class was well organized, productive and fun for both of us. The training manual you provided was very easy to follow and helped us at home. Your new facilities are great too! Darby and I learned what I was hoping for and it has been much more enjoyable to have her around. We are able to control her now and we are especially happy that we did not need to use physical methods to get there. We appreciate your efforts and can't wait to begin your trick class. We look forward to seeing you again." Janine and Darby Jones, Kitchener, Ontario
"Dear Norma Jeanne; This is a letter of gratitude. The day I called you I was desperate, we love our dachshund, but did not like his behavior. I had bought a book special to this breed trying all the techniques but nothing worked! Max was still barking and lunging at people. After you came to my house and spent an hour with Max and myself with your kind but firm and positive approach, you won Max's heart immediately. Within 24 hours Max was a changed dog. The neighbours were calling to see if Max was sick because they had heard no barking! Its been awhile now and I want everyone to know Puppy Power works! We just came in from our walk and we encountered many barking dogs, but not my Max. I am a very proud owner of a very quiet and happy dog. I highly recommend Puppy Power and Norma Jeanne's positive approach to training." Sharon Niergarth and Maximillion, Waterloo, Ontario
"As the owner of two dogs, one that was abused and neglected by his previous owner, and the other abandoned; I was not a stranger to erratic canine behaviour. The search for a method to effectively handle this behaviour using positive interactions was not without its challenges. However, the day that I discovered Norma Jeanne and her training methods was the day that my life and the lives of my dogs changed. Norma Jeanne's Puppy Power is more than a dog training school. It is a whole new way of altering unacceptable behaviour and reinforcing acceptable behavior. The concept of positive reinforcement utilizing a wide variety of techniques, depending upon the behaviour to be modified, had worked wonders with both of my dogs. Norma Jeanne's techniques are easy to learn and easier to continue. The Puppy Power school is clean, the environment is friendly and the atmosphere is non-threatening. Although I had been a little apprehensive upon my arrival at the school the first time due to a concern that my dog would not succeed, my fears were soon dissolved. Norma Jeanne is extremely knowledgeable and continues to develop her methods. Her suggestions and advice work. When classes were over, the learning did not stop. Norma Jeanne makes herself available for consultation over the phone and provides very valuable advice and suggestions to handle any behaviour that is of concern. I have truly benefited, and my dogs have benefited from the experience, knowledge, and professionalism that Norma Jeanne exudes. She is truly every dogs, and every dog owners best friend!" Ruth Ariss - Kitchener, Ontario
"We, the Tennant family, firmly believe in the excellence in this training organization. Norma Jeanne is the ideal model for obedience training. She is accessible, knowledgeable, and always ready to help. Her positive training methods, along with her sense of humour have helped our family through minor crisis, in our journey with Ben, and I'm sure, other families as well." The Tennant Family, Kitchener, Ontario
Hi Norma Jeanne, I just wanted to give you an update on Dory. Your recommendations worked great. She still "guards" but it is more like a "keep away" game and she is not growling etc, even then, it's very rare. She is much better! Thank you so much for your help. Dory has also become much more affectionate, sitting beside me for hours letting me pet her, it's great! Carrie Cleghorn, Guelph, Ontario
"Dear Norma Jeanne, Thank you so much, you are a great dog trainer and a beautiful person. We had fun in your classes and meeting other wonderful dogs and their owners. We LOVE our Sadey even more because you taught us how to understand dogs behavior. Thank you for answering all of my questions. Every dog owner should take your class, we can all learn that with gentle but firm training, your dog can be the #1 MUTT of the house. This is WHAT you teach Norma Jeanne...THANK YOU." The Acevedo Family Walter, Claudia. Paulina, Karla and Sadey, Kitchener, Ontario
"Six years ago we had the pleasure of attending your obedience classes with our Bichon puppy, Bailey. As I had no previous experience in raising a dog, I found your classes invaluable, teaching gentle yet firm behaviour. It certainly made life easier for all of us, including Bailey. Now we can just sit back and enjoy his living companionship. Since then, I have had the occasion to call you twice in reference to issues that had arisen. I find you to be accessible, extremely knowledgeable and always ready to help. I would like to thank you for your caring assistance. Classes are so important, but the care of a loving pet is ongoing. What I find comforting is the fact that you are always there should the need arise. This is a sign of someone truly committed and dedicated to her profession." Betty McCormick, Kitchener, Ontario.
Hi Norma Jeanne, I just wanted to let you know how well Tika is doing with the Gentle Leader! I wish I used it sooner! We took Tika for 3 walks yesterday, and what a difference! she of course wasn't crazy about using it, but she didn't pull at all. Today, I took her for a short break outside, without the Gentle Leader, because of time constraints, and it was like walking a totally different dog! She did not pull or run once! We will continue to use the leader though for longer walks until she no longer needs it. The walks have actually been enjoyable! Daisy Lee, Kitchener, Ontario